Revolution in
electronics now seems to be a daily occurrence, and there can be no doubt what
is now generally known as Information Technology is the driving force.
One of the latest topics in modern Telecommunication, which is
central to information
, is the merging of telephone, television, FAX and
computer with audio and video Communications now called a MULTIMEDIA
. For anyone to understand this modern trend, he or she
needs good grounding in the basic concepts of telecommunication
, which this article I wrote adequately covered.
is Telecommunication?
The Prefix “Tele” in the word
“Telecommunication” springs from the Greek word for “Far Off” or “at a
distance”. And “Communication” emphasizes on the sharing of intelligence or
information between two or more remote points.

Telecommunication System is a network of electric circuits or devices used for
the purpose of passing intelligence or information signal over a long distance
through electrical means known as Electromagnetic Wave.
Below is a block
diagram illustrating Telecommunication System.
A Block Diagram showing the basis of a Telecommunication System
As seen from the diagram above,
Source is the origin of the intelligence or information. This could be human or
a machine and the information could be analogue or digital.
Input Transducer
: Input Transducer is a device which converts the
non-electrical output of the source into electrical form. The input device can
be either be a microphone which converts sound energy into electrical energy.
It could be a television camera which converts light energy of a natural scene
to electrical energy. And it could be a teleprinter whose mechanism also
produces electrical energy that represents a particular character from a set of
numerics of a keyboard.
: a transmitter is made up of a network of
voltage, current, power amplifiers, and oscillators. The amplifiers are
responsible for amplifying the weak baseband output of the input transducer to
have a sufficient electrical power to overcome the channel attenuations. The
frequency generated from the oscillator by a process called modulation enables
the audio frequency signal to be propagated in the form of electromagnetic
waves and also helped in isolating the channels from each other.
Communication Channel
: the
channel is the medium through which communication is established. This medium
could be fee space, wave guides or optical fibers
The receivers intercepts or receives a band of transmitted signals, selects the
desired information in its frequency range, extract the original information by
a process called demodulation, and
amplifies the signal to give a sufficient power to operate or drive the output
Output Transducer
: Output transducer converts the electrical output
of the receiving equipment into a form understandable to the sink. The output
transducer could be a loudspeaker which converts the received energy into sound
energy. Or it could be a screen of a cathode ray tube known as CRT, which
converts the electrical energy into luminous energy or pictorial form as seen
by the camera. Also, it could be a teleprinter which converts electrical energy
into written form.
: sink is simply the
destination of the information signal. The sink could be human or machine.
A Telecommunication
System is a network of electric circuits or devices used for the purpose of
passing intelligence or information signal over a long distance through
electrical means known as Electromagnetic Wave